South Central Railway

South Central Railway Recruitment 2014


Name:South Central Railway
Name of the Posts: Group ‘D’ Scout & Guide
Qualification: Candidates must be Passed in 10th class/ I.T.I and be a President Scout/ Guide/ Ranger/ Rover or Himalayan Wood Badge or a Pre-HWB trained Scout Master/ Advanced Trained Guide/ Leader/ Captain.
Age Limit: Candidates age limit is 18 years to 30 years for UR, 18 years to 33 years for OBC and 18 years to 35 years for SC/ ST category as on 01-01-2014.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on performance in Written Test & Personality Test/ Interview.
Examination Fee: Candidates need to Pay Rs.100/- in the form of Indian Postal Order (IPO) drawn in favour of Senior Divisional Manager, Secunderabad division, Secunderabad, Payable at Secunderabad/ Hyderabad. No fee for SC/ ST, Ex-Serviceman, PWD, Women, Minority and candidates belonging to OBC except Creamy Layer.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply on A4 size paper in prescribed format along with IPO, attested copies of educational/ technical certificates, photocopies of Scouting/ Guiding qualification issued by Authorized signatures, community certificate, 10th certificate as proof of date of birth, income certificate, NOC from current employees and disability certificate for PWD candidates, in a cover superscribed with “Application for Recruitment to Group ‘D’ Post against Scouts & Guides Quota for the year 2013-14-SC Division”, send by ordinary post to Senior Divisional Personnel Officer, 4th Floor, Sanchalan Bhavan, Secunderabad 500071 on or before 21-03-2014.
Last Date : 21-03-2014.


South Central Railway South Central Railway Reviewed by Unknown on 08:46 Rating: 5

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